Thursday, March 5, 2009

Top 10 Tips for College

So I started a discussion on blogcatalog and asked the public to name their top 5 tips for college. The responses were fascinating...I bring you the top 10 responses...

1. "BE Yourself"...something we all know but need to be reminded of once in a while

2. "BELIEVE in yourself"..if you don't who else will?

3. "Be SOCIAL"...talking can do wonders

4. "If you live in halls and want to be able to eat your food before someone steals it, you need to store it outside on your window ledge..."...whatever happened to storing food in the fridge with a massive lock?

5. "pfft ! Living on campus?- have fun! You only get this opportunity once!"...very true

6. "Check out course syllabuses online before you choose electives. Just because it sounds like a "bird course" doesn't mean it is. You'll scream when you find out there's a 40 page essay after your roommate's brother's cousin's girlfriend told you it was an easy course."...ever play that game TELEPHONE where you say a word and spread it down to the next person but by the time that word reaches your ear its gone from 'cow' to 'drag show'...this is exactly that

7. "Don't let any authority tell you that you should choose majors based on which will yield the most money once you graduate. Do what you love, not what will bring in the most money."...I like this one alot. In highschool we are made to believe that we should know what we want to be by the time we've reached college but truth is, it takes alot more than saying it to finally realize what it is you want to do in life.

8. "ReadReadReadReadDrink"...I hope he meant juice? but seriously READ, catching up on 10 chapters the night before an exam is no joke! TRUST ME I'm living it.

9. "I know MANY people, both men and women, who admit that that the things they are most ashamed of in life occurred while in college. It doesn't just have to be about sex. It can be alot of things"...I'm the type that likes to observe people and in doing this I've watched people fall into train recks over a moment of smart, be cautious...

10. AND Lastly...if you are dorming for the first time don't get too comfortable on the first day, point your bottom towards the window and aim for one wants to take part in smelly experiences...

Got more tips? feel free to comment...

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