Thursday, March 26, 2009

More Money In Your Pocket

During these tough economic times it is so easy to get caught up in a fog of despair. As a student you may notice the rising tuition costs, the cuts on faculty staff, and the extended class sizes that force you to sit less than inches away from the next person, almost making you feel a bit claustrophobic. At times I wonder if they are desperate enough to fill rooms beyond capacity for the sake of earning an extra dime.

I came across an article recently regarding the newly signed stimulus bill. And what a relief it is to know that though health care is going down the tubes the education system will not be placed in the back burner! We are so easily discouraged by the present issues and we forget that there is a better future lying ahead. And what kind of future can we expect if our young scholars are stripped of educational opportunities due to lack of financial assistance? Our future is in our education without that we will continue to spiral into the same greedy, nonsense habits that led us here in the first place.


1 comment:

  1. Its really really easy to get discouraged. I try not to, but its kind of hard when they jack up your interest rates while your trying to pay them back and continue schooling;(
