Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is it all about the grades?

you've ever found yourself having a melt down over grades you are not alone. While I agree that grades are very important, should your college years be all about the good grades?

While I definitely agree that grades are important, many students pass up on internship opportunities fearing their grades will slip. Internships are like the second half of the deal, it goes hand-in-hand. You can have all the A's in the world, an accomplishment unto itself, but can still lose great job opportunities if you lack experience in the field of your choice. And think of it this way, if your devotion to school has paid off what makes you think that your efforts will be any less when given other responsibilities such as an internship? Obviously you are capable of doing one, why not the other? Life is full of responsibilities and learning how to manage them all is a challenge but mastering this juggling skill can only do you good and prove beneficial in the long-run.

For information on internships in your area visit the link.

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