Thursday, February 19, 2009

Too Cool for a Lefty

While most kids were sitting oblivious to the world in 5th grade, I was busy observing Jeffrey in class. Jeff was a friend of mine, he was also a lefty. And although I was your average kind of right handed girl I was fascinated by little old Jeffrey's ability to write with the hand I could barely draw a circle with! For anyone whose ever observed a few lefties you will notice that some write with their hands positioned in a claw like manner. I spend days mocking and imitating Jeffrey until I finally found myself writing like a crow except I wasn't a lefty I was still a regular old righty!!! Funny thing is I still write like that till this day and I only have myself to blame for being a copy cat.

Well I think its about time lefties get credit for their talent. For what was once considered odd is now being rewarded in the form of a scholarship. I introduce the Frederick and Mary F. Beckley "Left- Handed" Scholarship. Step aside righties its time for the lefties to spend sometime in the spot light....

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