Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cutting back on education? I think not!

A year ago the streets were decorated by shiny pennies, tossed, devalued and unwanted. Now-a-days we find ourselves digging deep into our wallets salvaging the few pennies we can find to pay for a meal. At least that's the case for the average middle class citizen, the rich on the other hand are another story.

Realistically times are hard for us all, as mentioned in an article in the NY Times, even philanthropic support is beginning to dwindle. Many scholarship organizations have seen a decrease in funds within the last few years. Efforts to use the money available wisely have resulted in cuts. Non-profit organizations that once offered 20 scholarships have cut down their numbers to as low as 12. Others have decreased the amount of money granted. All in all it is a sign of the times but I think we should all remain positive in all of this.

Yes, money is a bit tight but education should not be compromised. There are alternatives and options to all of this. There are cheaper colleges still offering a promising future. Online education is making its mark, offering class times that fit your busy schedule and prices that fit your budget. We've all made sacrifices for the sake of the extra dollar but in spite of the times I'm sure many of us have not ceased to indulge in shopping or cut back on our morning coffees. Why then should we cut down on the bigger things like a degree?

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